Ride The Wakelet Wave!

Do you like to organize your students? Do you wish that there was a better way to create a Pinterest board that you could share with your students and not worry about all the other stuff that comes along with Pinterest? Do you wish you could organize materials for your classroom in a more elegant way?
Have no fear, Wakelet is here!
Wakelet’s mission is one of helping people find, organize and share information in a clean, elegant way. They started to work towards find ways to better bookmark and organize content from the web in a more meaningful way. The best thing is that it works with your Microsoft account and it’s Free! Free! Since it works with your Microsoft account and they have a deal with Microsoft the awesome tool of immersive reader is built into every Wakelet!
Check out their core values, which I think will resonate with you.

I would love to give you this awesome guide to Wakelet but I didn’t write it and you should get it from the source, click here to go the awesome website… after, please finish reading the post first of course!
My favorite part, which there are many, is that as a teacher, I can either find a Wakelet or create my own and embed it into Unified Classroom, our Learning Management System.
Another nice thing is that you can organize all of your materials form things like Hyperdocs (another post about this later), Portfolios (for your students to create), PBL’s, Personalized Learning Menus, Parent letters and even book study tools.
Once you sign up, you can search for wakelet’s that are created like this one:
or this one:
Or create your own.
If you need ideas on how to use this in your classroom, let us know and leave a comment below!