What is Nearpod & Why Should I Care?
This is a question I get all the time here in our district. Over the last couple of years schools had moved away from Discovery Education and that funding went to this amazing program. Let’s take a look.
What is Nearpod?
To start off with, Nearpod is a website and app-based digital tool that lets teachers use interactive learning resources based off a slide format (think PowerPoint with engagement). Nearpod has a massive collection of prepared lessons. Last time I checked there was 15,000+ materials and they keep creating more, with more partners. Many of the lessons are done in collaboration with other programs like Common Sense Media, BBC Worldwide, History Channel, ESPN, iCivics, Khan Academy, NOVA, Newsela, PBS, PhET, Readworks, Smithsonian, TedEd, Storyline Online, Wired and Zumba just to name a few. This list is just a small amount of the extensive standards-aligned content they provide. Teachers also have the ability to create their own lessons too, using templates or a blank slate!

Another great aspect of Nearpod is they have several types of activities that students can complete within the lesson. From their famous (if you talk to students who have had Nearpod lessons) Time to Climb to Flipgrid’s to Memory Tests, you will be amazed at all the great interactive tools Nearpod has to offer. Check out all the options below:

How Can I Use This In Person?
You might be saying, how can I use this in the classroom? Let me tell you. Lessons can either be done with all students in person following along on their computer or, students could also go through it self-paced as a center, homework, or a combination of the two.
I love the fact that within a Nearpod lesson, you can embed videos, place questions on top of the videos and then follow it up with a slide and a collaboration board. This is just one of many combinations of lessons that you can use/create!
One of the most popular features of Nearpod is that you can use YouTube videos and make them interactive. Much of the time videos, in general, are passive. By adding activities to them, it will make them much more interactive.
A new feature that we have not explored a lot here in Springfield is the ability of Nearpod to use virtual reality (VR). For those who do not know, VR allows the user to explore areas like the ocean or anatomy systems like the blood stream. Students can also use it for field trips to places that they may never get a chance to visit. You might be thinking to yourself, “Do I need VR goggles?” The answer to that question is a resounding no. Virtual Reality can be used on your laptop computer. Check out this link for more information on VR in Nearpod.
Add Virtual Reality FieldTrip to a Nearpod lesson
What Else Can Nearpod Do?
Nearpod is one of the systems we pay for at the district. Teachers can take advantage of the great training, data and organization that the program has to offer. They provide a lot of great live webinars and of course, they also have them recorded. Check them out here: Teacher Resources (nearpod.com).
There is also a series of YouTube videos that they created for training anyone to use the system, a very robust and active blog focusing on various aspects of teaching and how Nearpod can be used and a worldwide Facebook group where teachers share and help each other.
Just like Microsoft, Nearpod has a Certified Educator program where you can connect, get badges, and share the work that you are doing with Nearpod. I just received my certified educator badge. It was easy to accomplish. Learn about it here: Certified Educator | Nearpod
What has been your experience with Nearpod? Let’s us know in the comments below!